(exp) to become
to amount to
(exp) where ... is concerned
when it comes to ...
if it comes to ...
as far as ... is concerned
(exp,v5r) to backfire
to have a harmful result
(exp) (id) Good intentions can backfire
(exp,v5r) (col) to flare up
to fly into a rage
(exp,v5r) (col) to flare up
to fly into a rage
(exp) to play a central role
to take a leading part
(v5r) to come to a close (end)
(exp) ...is to be changed
...is to be updated
(exp) (1) in order to be(come)...
(2) since it amounts to...
(3) since it is advantageous to...
(exp,v5r) to bridge (e.g. cultural divides, technical differences, etc.)
to bring together
(exp) to form a complete whole
to be joined together
(exp) to lose one's consciousness
(exp) a history-making event
(exp) to form a complete whole
to be joined together
(exp) to constitute the cause and effect
(v5r) to be liked by people
(exp) to be united
to act as a single body
(exp) to be orphaned in one's babyhood
(exp) (id) Better be the head of a cat than the tail of a lion