(n) (1) jus
(2) (vulg) Jew
(n) (1) juice
(2) soft drink (any (sweet) non-alcoholic beverage, carbonated or uncarbonated)
(3) deuce
(n) jute
(n) joule
(n) June
(n) juicer
(adj-na) juicy (having lots of juice or liquid)
(n) jewelry
(n) module
(n) (comp) resume
(n) canned juice
canned soft drink
can of juice
can of soft drink
(n) kinkajou (Potos flavus)
(n) scheduler
(n,vs) schedule
(ik) (n) palladium (Pd)
(exp) bonjour (fre:)
(n,vs) (comp) modularization
(n) (comp) modularity
(n) vaginal secretions (wasei: love juice)
(n) (uk) grape juice
(n) (comp) 95
(n) Jew's harp
(n) Joule's law
(n) tomato juice
(n) pineapple juice
(n) (comp) V30
(n) (comp) module procedure
(n) lime juice
(vs) reschedule
(n) (comp) resume functions