(adj-na,n,adj-no,vs) commonness
(n) (comp) collaboration
(n) (1) common term
(2) common language
lingua franca
standard language
(n) (comp) common channel
(n) common feature
(n) (comp) common factor
(n) (esp. in philosophy) common sense
(n) protolanguage
(n) (comp) common task
(n) lingua franca
(n) (comp) common subdivision
(n) (math) intersection
(n) common sense
common knowledge
common understanding
(n) (comp) generic-document
(n) (comp) common area
(n,adj-no) worldwide
common to the whole world
(n) common area
(n) (comp) common model
(n) (comp) generic identifier
(n) (comp) common channel signalling
(n) (comp) generic content portion
(n) (comp) common buffer
(n) (comp) common block
(n) common first-stage (university entrance) examination
(n) (comp) common channel signalling network
(n) (comp) generic logical structure
(n) (comp) common segment
(n) (comp) common program
(n) (comp) generic layout structure
(n) zoonosis (disease transmissible from animals to humans or vice versa)