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Compounds of 落し

  • (n) (1) (abbr) dropping
    (2) missing item
    something one forgot to write down
    (3) trap
    (4) wooden protrusion from a Japanese door frame that fits a hole in the threshold, acting as a lock when closed
    (5) conclusion (of a speech, etc.)
    (6) metallic bowl used to hold the charcoal in a wooden hibachi
  • (n) omission
  • (n) ash tray
    ash pit
  • (iK) (n) opening of a new theater (theatre)
  • (n) plunging or dropping an object headfirst (down a precipice)
  • (n) oversight
    something overlooked
    thing left unnoticed
  • (n) rattrap
  • (n) nobleman's illegitimate child
  • (n) lid resting directly on food
    wooden drop-lid for simmering
  • (n) pitfall
  • (n) nobleman's illegitimate child
    evil consequence
  • (n) toilet paper
  • (n) loser
    owner of a lost article
  • (n) point of compromise
    common ground
  • (n) money paid to settle a fight
  • (n) lost property
  • (n) letter dropped in the road
    Japanese insect
  • (n) poached egg
  • (n) discouragement
    loss of energy
  • (n) time-lapse photography
  • (n) twist down (sumo)
  • (n) twist down (sumo)
  • (n) allowing oneself meat, fish or alcohol after a period of abstaining
  • (n) (comp) clipping
  • (n) head chop down (sumo)
  • (n) lifting body slam (sumo)
  • (n) mishearing
    failing to catch (something said)
  • (n) (1) lintel of the alcove in a tea room or a window in a shoin-style reception room
    (2) cloud-shaped carving on the bottom of a transom
    (3) metallic bowl used to hold the charcoal in a wooden hibachi
  • (n) (1) lintel of the alcove in a tea room or a window in a shoin-style reception room
    (2) cloud-shaped carving on the bottom of a transom
    (3) metallic bowl used to hold the charcoal in a wooden hibachi
  • (n) opening of a new theater (theatre)