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Compounds of 越し

  • (n-suf) across
  • (exp) (hon) coming or leaving
  • (io) (n,vs) moving (dwelling, office, etc.)
    changing residence
  • (n) keeping over the summer
  • (n) left (unpaid) from previous month
  • (adv) over one's shoulder
  • (exp) (hon) coming or leaving
  • (n) feeling of a drink going down one's throat
  • (n,vs) wind blowing down, coming over a mountain
  • (n,vs) (1) (col) work, items, etc. carried over from earlier
    (2) hangover
    what you ate the day before (and is still being digested)
  • (n) (kept) overnight
  • (n) riding past (one's station)
  • (n) crossing a river
  • (n) rudely reaching over one's serving tray to grab food behind it with one's chopsticks
  • (n) wintering
    passing the winter
  • (adv) going over someone's head
  • (n,vs) New Year's Eve
    end of the year
  • (n) (comp) jump
  • (n) with something in between
  • (n,vs) moving (dwelling, office, etc.)
    changing residence
  • (n) conducting (a conversation) or doing over a fence
  • (n) balance brought forward
    a transferred amount (of money)
  • (io) (n) balance carried forward
  • (n,vs) (1) (col) work, items, etc. carried over from earlier
    (2) hangover
    what you ate the day before (and is still being digested)
  • (n) outstanding debt
  • (n) more wins than losses (sport)
  • (n) riding past (one's station)
  • (n) send word
  • (adv) over the window sill
    through the window
  • (n) overdraft