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お兄ちゃん おにいちゃん
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • familiar form of "older brother"

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • form of address for young adult male
  • mister



  • Japanese ママ~!あのお姉ちゃんとお兄ちゃん、お手手繋いで、すっごく仲良しさんだね~!
  • Japanese 「どうしたんだよ、家の前でモジモジと」「うん・・・お兄ちゃんがかえってくるの、まってたんだ」
    English "What's up? Fidgeting around in front of the house." "Um ... I was waiting for you to come back."
  • Japanese はい、お兄ちゃん、半分こ。
    English Here, bro, halfsies.
  • Japanese お兄ちゃん、すごい熱だよ!?荷物はいいから、そこの木陰で休んでて!
    English Big brother, you've got a bad fever?! Never mind the bags, rest in the shade of those trees!
  • Japanese お兄ちゃん、このお魚本当に美味しいの?黒鯛が極道に落ちて、全国指名手配されたみたいなお魚だよ?
    English Hey, is this fish tasty for real? It looks like a black porgy who'd fallen in with mobsters and been put on the country's most wanted list!?
  • Japanese 「百八といえば煩悩の数だ」「お兄ちゃんはどんな煩悩があるの?」「言ってもいいが、検閲削除になるぞ」
    English "Talking about 108, that's the number of worldly passions." "What worldly passions have you got then?" "I could say, but it'll get censored out."
  • Japanese お兄ちゃんは私とケーキを分け合った。
    English My big brother shared his cake with me.
  • Japanese お兄ちゃんがかわいい人形をくれた。
    English My brother gave me a cute doll.
  • Japanese 昨日、お兄ちゃんとケンカした。
    English I had a fight with my older brother yesterday.
  • Japanese お兄ちゃんは今朝からずっとトイレに通っている。
  • Japanese かわいい弟かかっこいいお兄ちゃんが欲しかった。
    English I wish I had a cute little brother or a cool older brother.
  • Japanese お兄ちゃんはどこかな?
    English Where is my brother?
  • Japanese 何でお兄ちゃんは馬鹿なの?
    English Why is my brother stupid?

