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お前 おまい おめえ
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • you (masc) (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior)
お前 おまえ
Word or expression in common usage
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • you (masc) (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior)

Word or expression in common usage
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • presence (of a god, nobleman, etc.)


  • → おまえ



  • Japaneseお前、どこの子だ?」足に纏わりついてきたのは、小さな子猫だった。灰色の縞模様のふわふわした猫だ。
    English "Who do you belong to?" Wrapped around his feet was a small cat. It was a fluffy grey striped cat.
  • Japanese まったく・・・つきあいが長くなってくると、どいつもこいつもお前に毒される。
    English Oh boy ... when they hang out with you for long everyone ends up picking up your bad habits.
  • Japanese お前はクズだ!
    English You're a waste of breath!
  • Japanese じゃあ2人乗りを許してやるからお前漕げ、俺が荷台に乗るから。
    English Well then I'll allow two on a bike, but you pedal, because I'll ride on the rack.
  • Japanese 下着を買いに行くんだよ。お前、まだノーパンだろうが。
    English We're going to buy underwear. You're still not wearing underpants, are you?
  • Japaneseお前に付き合うほど暇じゃない」「なんかしょぼんだよぉ」
    English "I haven't got the time to keep up with you." "That's rather depressing."
  • Japanese 一族が苦労して積み上げてきたものを、お前は一瞬で反故にするつもりか。
    English Do you intend to throw away in one instant what our family has painstakingly built up?
  • Japanese これは、お前の体躯、護衛能力を考慮した上でのプランなのだ。是が非でもやってもらう。
    English This is a plan that takes into account your stature and your ability to guard. By all means do it for me.
  • Japanese お前が近くにいるのをいいことにベタベタしやがって!!
    English What the fuck are you up to taking advantage of his proximity to cling to him like a wet T-shirt?!
  • Japanese 「みろ、お前のお陰でフラれまくりだぞ」「そう?日頃の行いのせいじゃない?」
    English "Look! Thanks to you I'm getting dumped all the time." "Oh? Isn't it just because of your everyday behaviour?"
  • Japanese 屁理屈ばかり並べて、お前の言ってること全然筋が通ってないよ。
    English All you do is string together a bunch of farfetched ideas. I can't understand a word of it.
  • Japanese 本当のことを言うと、私はお前の父ではない。
    English To tell the truth, I am not your father.
  • Japanese 文句を言うな。お前は行かなければならない。
    English Don't complain. You have to go.
  • Japanese 部長カンカンになって怒ってたぞ。お前何をしたんだよ。
    English The section chief was really livid. What did you do?
  • Japanese 猫かぶりしてもお前の正体は分かっているよ。
    English You are a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  • Japanese 遅刻したのを、病気のせいにするなんてお前もお芝居がうまいね。
    English You're a good actor, pretending you were late because you don't feel well.
  • Japanese 心配しないで、お前の面倒は見るから。
    English Don't worry. I'll take care of you.
  • Japanese 私は赤ん坊に、お前はなんてかわいいのだといった。
    English I told my baby that she was very wonderful.
  • Japanese 私はお前を遊ばせてはおけない。何か決まった仕事に就きなさい。
    English I cannot afford to leave you idle. You must take up a regular occupation.
  • Japanese 私はお前を遊ばせておけない。
    English I cannot afford to leave you idle.

