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効く きく
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be effective
  • to show effect

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to do its work
  • to carry out its function well

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be possible to use


  • give relief
  • really feel it
  • strike home 【自動】work



  • Japanese 全ての商品及びレストランで割引が効くわけではありません。
    English The discount can't be used for all goods or at all restaurants.
  • Japanese 運よく薬が効くとき1時過ぎに寝れるけど、薬を飲まないと4時ぐらいまで眠れない。
    English If I'm lucky enough for the medicine to work I can get to sleep after 1am but if I don't take it then I can't sleep until about 4am.
  • Japanese 薬より食餌療法の方が効くと信じています。
    English I believe more in diet than in drugs.
  • Japanese 風邪に効く薬はありますか。
    English Do you have anything for a cold?
  • Japanese 必ずしも苦い薬が行く効くとは限らない。
    English Bitter medicine will not necessarily do you good.
  • Japanese 頭痛に効く薬はありますか。
    English Do you have anything for a headache?
  • Japanese 温泉はあなたに効くでしょう。
    English The hot spring will do you good.
  • Japanese 医者はこの病気に効く薬を探している。
    English The doctor is looking for medicine that is effective for this illness.
  • Japanese その薬はてきめんに効く
    English The drug acts like magic.
  • Japanese せきには塩水のうがいが効く
  • Japanese この薬は本当に私に効くのでしょうか。
    English Will this medicine really do me any good?
  • Japanese この薬は鼻水に不思議なほどよく効く
    English This medicine will do wonders for a runny nose.
  • Japanese この薬は頭痛に効く
    English This drug acts against headache.
  • Japanese この薬は大変よく効く
    English This medicine will do you a good deal of good.
  • Japanese この薬は効くと思いますよ。
  • Japanese この薬は君によく効くと思う。
  • Japanese この薬は君には効くだろう。
    English This medicine will do you good.
  • Japanese この薬は君にはおおいに効くと思う。
    English I think this medicine will do you a lot of good.
  • Japanese この薬は肝臓に効く
    English These pills act on the liver.
  • Japanese この薬はあなたの病気に効くでしょう。
    English This medicine will do you good.



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