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往生 おうじょう
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • death
  • passing to the next life
  • dying a happy death

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • giving up a struggle
  • submission

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • at wit's end
  • flummoxed


    • onyomiオウ
    • kunyomiい.くいにしえさき.にゆ.く
    • meaningjourney; travel; chase away; let go; going; before; formerly
    • onyomiセイショウ
    • kunyomiい.きるい.かすい.けるう.まれるうま.れるう.まれうまれう.むお.うは.えるは.やすなまなま-な.るな.すむ.す-う
    • meaninglife; genuine; birth


  • Japanese 少年少女と呼ぶべき年齢の者から、近く大往生を遂げるのではないかという老齢の者の姿まである。
    English There were figures there from those of an age best called girls and boys to those who looked to be old enough to be about to live out their life span.
  • Japanese 彼らは交通渋滞で何時間も立ち往生した。
    English They were stuck for hours in a traffic jam.
  • Japanese 私は病院へ行く途中、交通渋滞にあって立ち往生してしまった。
    English I was held up on my way to the hospital in a traffic jam.
  • Japanese 君にはまったく往生する。
    English You are hopeless.
  • Japanese こういう実行不可能な提案には往生する。
    English Those impossible suggestions just annoy me.
  • Japanese 往生せいや!
    English Fuck you!
  • Japanese 往生しなさい!
    English Fuck you!
  • Japanese お前も往生際の悪いやつだなあ。
    English Even you are a guy who doesn't know when to give up.



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