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意外 いがい
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • unexpected
  • surprising



  • Japanese 一生懸命磨きました。困ったのは、意外と低級宝石のストックがないことです。
    English I polished for all I was worth. The trouble is that my stock of low-grade gems was surprisingly low.
  • Japanese意外な趣味だな・・・転校生」「俺は可愛いから許す」
    English "That's an unusual hobby she's got, the transfer student." "She's cute so it's fine with me."
  • Japanese 問題は意外にやさしかったよ。
    English I found the problem easier than I had expected.
  • Japanese 彼女がそう言ったのは意外だ。
    English It was surprising that she said that.
  • Japanese 彼らは意外な成功に狂喜した。
    English They exulted in their unexpected success.
  • Japanese 彼が音楽について大変詳しいのは我々にとって意外なことでした。
    English His extensive knowledge of music was a revelation to us.
  • Japanese 初めて彼に会ったとき、意外な質問にびっくりしました。
    English When I first met him, I was taken aback by his unexpected question.
  • Japanese 事の意外な成り行きに目を白黒させた。
    English I blinked in amazement at the unexpected development.
  • Japanese 仕事をする時仲間が多いと、コンセンサスをとるのが意外と大変だ。
    English When you're at work, if you have a lot of workmates, it's surprisingly difficult to build a consensus.
  • Japanese 昨日のけんかを気にしてるの?意外にナイーブなのね。
  • Japanese 君は意外に純情だね。
    English I'm surprised that you're so naïve.
  • Japanese 君にここで会うのは全く意外だ。
    English It is quite a surprise to see you here.
  • Japanese 君がそんな態度をとるなんて意外だった。
    English I'm surprised at your behavior.
  • Japanese 花子さんって意外にいい人だったんだねえ。
    English Hanako turned out to be a surprisingly nice person.
  • Japanese 意外に人目を気にするタイプだ。
    English Surprisingly, he is the type that worries about being in the public eye.
  • Japanese 意外にも、昨日は天気予報があたった。
    English Unexpectedly the weather forecast came true yesterday.
  • Japanese 意外な話があるんだ。
    English You know something?
  • Japanese 意外な結果が発表された。
    English Unexpected results were announced.
  • Japanese 意外だねー。
    English You don't say.
  • Japanese それは私にとって意外な話だった。
    English It was a revelation to me.



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