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方がまし ほうがまし
Word or expression in common usage
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
  • I would rather
  • I would as lief do
  • strong preference



  • Japanese 偽りの姿を愛されるくらいなら、嫌われた方がましだ。
  • Japanese 宝くじを買うくらいなら、その金を燃やしてしまった方がましだ。
    English You may as well burn your money as spend it on lottery tickets.
  • Japanese 物事を中途半端に知っているより、全く知らない方がましだ。
    English One may as well not know a thing at all, as know it but imperfectly.
  • Japanese 不名誉の中で生きるより殺された方がましだ。
    English I would rather be killed than live in disgrace.
  • Japanese 彼の言いなりになるくらいなら、独りで暮らした方がましだ。
    English I would rather live by myself than do as he tells me to do.
  • Japanese 彼の下で働くなら辞めた方がましだ。
    English I would rather quit than work under him.
  • Japanese 彼に金を貸すぐらいなら海に捨てた方がましだ。
    English You might just as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.
  • Japanese 彼に金を貸してやるくらいなら海に捨てた方がましだよ。
    English You might just as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.
  • Japanese 彼に金をやるくらいならむしろどぶに捨てた方がましだ。
    English You had as well throw your money into the ditch as give it to him.
  • Japanese 彼にお金を貸すくらいなら海に捨てた方がましだ。
    English You might just as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.
  • Japanese 彼と結婚するぐらいなら死んだ方がましだ。
    English I would rather die than marry him.
  • Japanese 盗みをするよりも飢え死にした方がましだ。
    English I would rather starve than steal.
  • Japanese 中途半端にやるくらいなら、やらない方がましだ。
    English You may as well not do it at all than do it imperfectly.
  • Japanese 自分の運命に甘んじるくらいなら自殺した方がましだ。
    English I might as well kill myself as reconcile myself to my fate.
  • Japanese 次のバスを待つくらいなら歩いた方がましだ。
    English We may as well walk as wait for the next bus.
  • Japanese 私は毎朝早く起きるくらいなら死んだ方がましだ。
  • Japanese 降参するくらいなら死んだ方がましだ。
  • Japanese 犬を他人に任せるくらいなら、全然飼わない方がましだ。
    English You may as well not keep a dog at all as leave it to someone else.
  • Japanese 屈辱を受けて生きるくらいなら死んだ方がましだ。
    English I would rather die than live in dishonor.
  • Japanese 映画に行くくらいなら家にいた方がましだ。
    English I would rather stay at home than go to the movies.



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