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着飾る きかざる
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to dress up


  • beautify oneself
  • do up
  • dress oneself (up) to the nines [teeth, knocker]
  • dress out
  • dress up
  • fix oneself up
  • fix up
  • get all glammed up〔glam は glamorize の短縮形〕
  • get decked out
  • get up
  • gussy up
  • perk out
  • plume oneself
  • ponce up
  • preen oneself
  • prick up oneself
  • primp oneself up
  • rig up
  • set oneself out
  • suit up 【自他動】prink 【自動】doll 【他動】peacock


    • onyomiチャクジャク
    • kunyomiき.る-ぎき.せる-き.せつ.くつ.ける
    • meaningdon; arrive; wear; counter for suits of clothing


  • Japanese 私たちの先生は美人であったが、着飾るような人ではなかった。
    English Our teacher was a beautiful lady, but was not the type of person who dressed up.
  • Japanese アメリカ人は一般に着飾ることを好まない。
    English Americans, in general, don't like to dress up.



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