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mercari beeant


色とりどり いろとりどり
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • multicolored
  • multicoloured
  • varicolored
  • varicoloured

nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • variety
  • miscellany


  • riot of color



  • Japanese 私は成人の日に人々の色とりどりの着物を見るのが好きです。
    English I love looking at everyone's colorful kimonos on Coming of Age Day.
  • Japanese 私の祖父は晴れた日に池の色とりどりの鯉を眺めているのが好きです。
    English My grandfather likes looking at colorful carp in the pond on a fine day.
  • Japanese 彼の色とりどりの服装、長いカツラ、白い手袋を見たら、ディズニーランドか何かから逃げ出してきたのかと思う人もいるだろう。
    English With his colored clothes, his long wig and his white gloves, one could guess he has run away from some kind of Disneyland.
  • Japanese 花祭りは、お釈迦さまが生まれたときに天から色とりどりの花や甘露が降り注いだという言い伝えに因んでいます。



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