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見え みえ
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • show
  • display
  • appearance
  • vanity
  • charm
  • attraction


  • vainglory


    • onyomiケン
    • kunyomiみ.るみ.えるみ.せる
    • meaningsee; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible


  • Japanese あまり見えない。
    English I see it rarely.
  • Japanese 2000年に日本の医療制度が世界一だが、2003年に研修医制度が始まって目に見えて悪くなった。
    English In 2000 Japan's health care system was the best in the world, but since clinical internship was introduced in 2003 it has clearly deteriorated.
  • Japanese 今、キーボードがダブって見えるぐらい酔ってます。
    English I'm so drunk now that I'm seeing two keyboards.
  • Japanese 明らかに全員出席しているように見えます。
    English It clearly looked as if everyone was present.
  • Japanese 城からそのふもとをゆるやかに湾曲して流れる川全体が見えました。
    English From the castle we could see the whole curve of the river around its base.
  • Japanese 自分のやってることが楽しくてまわり見えてないんですよね。
    English You're having so much fun doing what you are that you can't see what's going on around you.
  • Japanese 最大限に首相という権力を利用し、自己の保身の為に利用するキツネのようにずる賢い首相に見えてくる。
    English He has come to look like a sly-as-a-fox Premier who uses his position's powers to the fullest extent, to his own advantage.
  • Japanese こう見えて、子供の頃はケーキを二ホール平らげた伝説を持っている。
    English You couldn't tell it by looking, but she has the legendary tale of having eaten two whole cakes when a child.
  • Japanese つまみ食いと言うか、完食していたように見えたが。
    English You say you had a nibble, it looked to me like you'd polished it off.
  • Japanese 「隆ちゃん見えな~い~」「目隠ししてるんだから当然だ」
    English "Ryu, I can't seeee!" "Naturally, that's because I'm covering your eyes."
  • Japanese あはは・・・ごめんね。ちょっとコンタクトしてくるの忘れちゃって。ここじゃないと見えないんだ。
    English A-ha-ha ... sorry. I forgot my contacts, Unless I'm right here I can't see it.
  • Japanese この一見、あたりまえのように見えることが、実は難しいのである。
    English This, appearing at first glance to be perfectly obvious, is actually very difficult.
  • Japanese 用意周到に見えてどこかで抜けてるしな。
    English It looks well prepared but you see there'll be a slip somewhere.
  • Japanese 彼の顔は怖そうに見える反面、声は優しくおだやかだった。
    English In contrast to his frightening looks, his voice was kind and calm.
  • Japanese 音が大きい方が、がしがし仕事してるように見えるという人と、うるさいだけって言う人いますよね。
    English Of those on the loud side, some people say they look like they're briskly working, while others say that they're just noisy.
  • Japanese レースのカーテンから透けて見えた世界は暗かった。
    English The world seen through the lace curtain was dark.
  • Japanese まだ肉眼じゃ無理だよ。双眼鏡だと、ちょびっとだけ見えるかも・・・。
    English It's still impossible with the naked eye. With binoculars you might be able to glimpse it....
  • Japanese ちょっと屈めば、アソコがチラチラと見え隠れします。
    English If you just crouch a little, her crotch can just be seen flicking in and out of sight.
  • Japanese ただいま~。あら?お客様、見えてるの?
    English I'm back! Oh? Have we got a guest?
  • Japanese 老齢で目がよく見えなくなってきている。
    English His old age is beginning to affect his eyesight.



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