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彼処 あそこDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • there (place physically distant from both speaker and listener)
  • over there
  • that place
  • yonder

  • that far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and listener)
  • that much
  • that point
彼所 あそこDictionary
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • there (place physically distant from both speaker and listener)
  • over there
  • that place
  • yonder

  • that far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and listener)
  • that much
  • that point


  • there 【代名】you-know-where


  • Japanese ふふ・・・いわくがあるのさ、あそこには。
    English He-heh... there's a tale behind that, for that place.
  • Japanese 彼女はあそこで何年も頑張って得た成果だもの。
    English She's paid her dues working there for years.
  • Japanese 彼はあそこの塔を指さした。
    English He pointed to the tower over there.
  • Japanese 彼はあそこの土地の所有権がある。
    English He holds property on their land.
  • Japanese 彼はあそこの家に住んでいる。
    English He lives in that house over there.
  • Japanese 彼はあそこにいる男の子より年上です。
    English He is older than the boy who is over there.
  • Japanese 彼はあそこで遊んでいます。
    English He is playing over there.
  • Japanese 彼があそこの酒屋の主人です。
    English He is the owner of the liquor shop.
  • Japanese 彼があそこにいてくれさえすればよかったのに。
    English If only he had been there.
  • Japanese 自動販売機はあそこにあります。
    English The vending machines are over there.
  • Japanese 私達は雨のためにあそこに行くことができなかった。
    English We could not go there because of the rain.
  • Japanese わたしはあそこが一番気に入ったわ。
    English That's the part I liked best.
  • Japanese あそこの店はあまり好きじゃない。
    English I don't really like the stores there.
  • Japanese その車はあそこで右に曲がった。
    English The car made a right turn over there.
  • Japanese ジェーン、君はここに来い、そしてジム、君はあそこへ行け。
    English You come here, Jane, and you go over there, Jim.
  • Japanese この川はあそこで浅くなっている。
    English This river becomes shallow at that point.
  • Japanese ここではなくあそこに置きなさい。
    English Put it there, not here.
  • Japanese ここからあそこへこの石を動かして下さい。
  • Japanese あの煙を見なさい。あそこの建物が燃えているに違いない。
    English Look at that smoke. That building must be on fire.
  • Japanese アニー、あそこに腰掛けましょう。
    English Let's have a seat over there, Annie.



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