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右舷 うげんDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • starboard
迂言 うげんDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • roundabout explanation
暈繝 うげんDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • method of dying in which a color repeatedly goes from dense to diffuse, diffuse to dense - imported from western China and used in Buddhist pictures, temple ornaments, etc., during the Nara and Heian periods
繧繝 うげんDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • method of dying in which a color repeatedly goes from dense to diffuse, diffuse to dense - imported from western China and used in Buddhist pictures, temple ornaments, etc., during the Nara and Heian periods



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