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衛士 えじDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • soldiers of the ritsuryo system that guarded gates of the imperial palace, the court, etc.

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • term used in error to refer to young men that were made to do forced labour in the ritsuryo system

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • guards originally stationed at the grand shrine at Ise and shrine at Atsuta, Nagoya to protect the officials there


  • Japanese 彼らが殺したえじきの数はおなじだった。
    English The number of prey they killed was the same.
  • Japanese 彼が殺したえじきの数は同じだった。
  • Japanese 番号をまちがえじゃありませんか。
    English I'm afraid you have got the wrong number.
  • Japanese 席をお間違えじゃないでしょうか。
    English I'm afraid you've taken the wrong seat.
  • Japanese 死神はえじきを求めいる。
  • Japanese 俺の考えじゃ、あいつはただのバカだ。
    English In my opinion, he is just a fool.



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