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おとし入れる おとしいれるDictionary
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to trick someone into (committing a crime, etc.)
  • to hatch a plan and deceive someone

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to assault (a castle, etc.)

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to drop something and have it fall into something
陥れる おとしいれるDictionary
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to trick someone into (committing a crime, etc.)
  • to hatch a plan and deceive someone

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to assault (a castle, etc.)

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to drop something and have it fall into something
落し入れる おとしいれるDictionary
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to trick someone into (committing a crime, etc.)
  • to hatch a plan and deceive someone

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to assault (a castle, etc.)

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to drop something and have it fall into something
落とし入れる おとしいれるDictionary
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to trick someone into (committing a crime, etc.)
  • to hatch a plan and deceive someone

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to assault (a castle, etc.)

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to drop something and have it fall into something



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