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がる がる
Godan verb with `ru' ending
  • to feel (on adj-stem to represent a third party's apparent emotion)

Godan verb with `ru' ending
  • to behave as if one were
ガル ガルDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • gal (unit of gravitational acceleration)


  • Japanese 「転がる石は苔をもつけず」はことわざである。
  • Japanese 親切にしてやればつけあがる
  • Japanese そして、この遊具には滑り台のデッキに上がる方法がもう一つあります。
    English And there is one more method of climbing up to the slide deck.
  • Japanese 女ってどうして連れションしたがるの?物凄く理解不能。
    English Women - why do they want to go to toilet in groups? I don't get it at all.
  • Japanese 黒い天使は、その漆黒の翼を大きく広げて、空へと舞い上がる
    English The black angel spread those jet-black wings wide and flew up into the sky.
  • Japanese 彼女は嫌がる子供を宥め賺して歯医者に連れて行った。
    English She coaxed and wheedled her unwilling child into going to the dentist with her.
  • Japanese 少し間違うと大怪我につながる大変危険なスポーツです。
    English It's a very dangerous sport, where a slight mistake can lead to serious injury.
  • Japanese 会場に着くと早速担当者に「この絵は将来必ず値が上がる。 」などとしつこく言われ、契約書にサインしてしまった。
    English When I reached the hall right away the person in charge unrelentingly said things like "This painting is certain to increase in value in the future," and I went and signed the contract.
  • Japanese やっぱり男手があると、作業の幅が広がるねぇ。
    English When there's a man around, the work that can be done sure increases.
  • Japanese ブレーキがキーキーいうバイクなんて欲しがる人いるわけ?
    English Who wants to buy a motorcycle with squeaky brakes?
  • Japanese あお向けに寝ると、舌やノドチンコがノドの奥に下がるため、上気道が塞がりやすくなります。
    English If you sleep on your back it's easier for your upper airway to be obstructed because your tongue, uvula, etc. slip towards the back of your throat.
  • Japanese 枠が出来上がると、クモはちょうど自転車の車輪のやのように、それに絹の糸をかける。
    English When the frame is finished, the spider fixes lines of silk across it, just like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
  • Japanese 眠ると体の機能がゆっくりになり、体温が下がる
    English When we are asleep, bodily functions slow down and body temperature falls.
  • Japanese 母は無邪気にも「もっとビールを召し上がるの」と尋ねた。
    English Mom was innocent enough to ask him: "Would you like any more beer?"
  • Japanese 物言えば唇寒し・馬鹿ほど言いたがる
    English He knows most who speaks least.
  • Japanese 物価は上がる一方だ。
    English Prices go on rising.
  • Japanese 物価はやがて上がるだろう。
    English Prices will rise in course of time.
  • Japanese 物価はまもなく下がるはずだ。
    English Prices ought to come down soon.
  • Japanese 物価が天井知らずに上がる
    English Prices keep on soaring.
  • Japanese 物価が上がるのは確かだ。
    English It is certain that prices will go up.



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