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Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • cloud
蜘蛛 くもDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • spider


  • Japanese 中国がより積極的な役割を発揮していくものと信じる。
    English I trust that China will go on to take a more active part.
  • Japanese 私は14歳のときに、父をくも膜下出血で亡くした。
    English I lost my father to a subarachnoid haemorrhage when I was fourteen.
  • Japanese プライヤー氏はパリでの公演のリハーサル中にくも膜下出血で倒れ、市内の病院に運ばれましたが午後4時23分息を引き取りました。
    English Mr Pryor collapsed with a subarachnoid haemorrhage when rehearsing for a performance in Paris. He was taken to local hospital but passed away at 4:23 pm.
  • Japanese まずいよ。また遅刻だ!!はやくも遅刻魔の異名をとってしまう。
    English Oh no! I'm late again!! I'm going to get the nickname 'King of Late arrival'.
  • Japanese 有難くも、10000hit越えのお祝いイラストを頂いてしまいました!本当にかたじけないです。
    English I'm very lucky to have been gifted with this 10,000 hit picture! Thank you so very much.
  • Japanese 返事を待つアリスに向けられたのは突然の咆哮。それは耳を貫かんばかりに鋭く、天に届かんばかりに大きく響くものでした。
    English What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens.
  • Japanese 他の女にとられるよりは、諦めつくもん!
    English I'd just be able to give up better than if you were taken by some other woman.
  • Japanese 薪が足りず、はやくも火勢が衰えはじめた暖炉。
    English The fireplace, lacking firewood, flames already starting to lose their vigour.
  • Japanese そのオペラにはおそれ多くも皇太子殿下ご夫妻が足を運ばれた。
    English The opera was graced with the august presence of the Crown Prince and Princess.
  • Japanese くしくも、レジでの合計額は777円であった。
    English Strangely, the cash register's total was 777 yen.
  • Japanese あんな本みたらフツーの女は引くもんな!
    English Obviously a normal woman would lose interest if she saw a book like that!
  • Japanese 2人っきりでデート・・もとい、OFF会だと思ったけど、そこまで甘くもないよな。
    English So I thought my date, er rather, offline-meeting was going to be just me and her but things aren't that easy.
  • Japanese 予報ではあすはくもりだ。
    English They forecast it will be cloudy tomorrow.
  • Japanese 門をたたけたたくものはあけてもらえるだろう。
    English Knock, and it will be opened to you.
  • Japanese 目に付くものが欲しいものだ。
    English What you see is what you want.
  • Japanese 歩いて行くものもいれば、自転車で行くものもいた。
    English Some went on foot, and others by bicycle.
  • Japanese 夫婦間の関係は愛情に基づくものでなければいけない。
    English The relationship between husband and wife should be based on love.
  • Japanese 彼女は余命いくばくもない。
    English Her days are numbered.
  • Japanese 彼女は誰を招いても厚くもてなす。
    English Whomsoever she invites, she is quite hospitable.
  • Japanese 彼女は十年近くも彼の死を嘆き悲しんでいる。
    English She has grieved over his loss for nearly ten years.



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