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貶す けなすDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `su' ending
transitive verb
  • to speak ill of
貶なす けなすDictionary
Godan verb with `su' ending
transitive verb
  • to speak ill of


  • call down
  • cry down
  • do down
  • pish away
  • pish down
  • put down
  • put down vegetables in salt
  • run down〈話〉
  • talk down
  • tear apart
  • tear down 【自動】snipe 【他動】befoul
  • belittle
  • damn
  • dang〈話〉
  • detract〈古〉
  • diminish
  • discommend
  • dish〈俗〉
  • disparage
  • dispraise〔【反】praise〕
  • execrate
  • knock
  • poor-mouth〈話〉
  • rubbish〈英話〉
  • trash〈米俗〉
  • trounce
  • vilify
  • vilipend


  • Japanese 彼女自分をけなすことではなかなかのものですよ。
    English She has a nice line in self-deprecation.
  • Japanese 彼の立ち直ろうとする努力をけなすのはよくないことです。
    English It is wrong to put down his efforts to get better.
  • Japanese 君は、いつも私の服をけなすのだから。
    English You are always digging at me about my clothes.



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