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こつこつ こつこつDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • unflaggingly
  • steadily
  • untiringly
  • laboriously

Word or expression in common usage
adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • clicking
  • drumming
ごつごつ ごつごつ
adverb (fukushi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • rugged
  • scraggy
  • angular
コツコツ コツコツDictionary
adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • unflaggingly
  • steadily
  • untiringly
  • laboriously

adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • clicking
  • drumming



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