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暫く しばらくDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
adverb (fukushi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • little while
  • short while
  • moment
  • instant

Word or expression in common usage
adverb (fukushi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • a while
  • quite a time

  • it's been a long time
須臾 しばらくDictionary
adverb (fukushi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • little while
  • short while
  • moment
  • instant

adverb (fukushi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • a while
  • quite a time

  • it's been a long time


  • bit
  • for a little
  • for a while
  • in days 【副】awhile
  • momently


  • Japanese いよいよ今週を限りに、しばらくのお休みです。
  • Japanese 車は草地に飛び込み、しばらくガクンガクンと走って止まったのです。
    English The car dove into the field and, after bumping along for a time, came to a halt.
  • Japanese 私は先週しばらくぶりに彼に会った。
    English I met him last week for the first time in ages.
  • Japanese しばらくぶりのよい天気だね。
    English It's been a long while since we had such fine weather.
  • Japanese しばらくプータローしていて、迷ってたんです。勢いで辞表出しちゃったけど、本当は我慢して続けるべきだったのかな、って。
    English Having idled jobless for a while I wavered. I'd rushed into handing in my notice but maybe I should have endured it and kept going...
  • Japanese 和平会談はしばらく延期された。
    English The peace talks have been suspended for a while.
  • Japanese 揚げ物はしばらく避けなさい。
  • Japanese 僕はしばらくここにいるよ。
    English I will just hang around here for a while.
  • Japanese 訪ねてきてしばらくしてから、彼は突然立ち上がって別れを告げた。
    English After a short visit he suddenly got up and took his leave.
  • Japanese 肘掛けいすに腰掛けてしばらく落ち着いてください。
    English Take a seat in the armchair and calm down a while.
  • Japanese 彼女をしばらく遠くにおいておくことにするよ。
    English I'm going to keep my distance from her for a while.
  • Japanese 彼女はしばらく私を見つめてばかりいた。
    English For a while she did nothing but stare at me.
  • Japanese 彼女はしばらく私たちのところに滞在することに決めた。
    English She made up her mind to stay with us for a while.
  • Japanese 彼女はしばらくは私を見つめてばかりいた。
    English For a while she did nothing but stare at me.
  • Japanese 彼女はしばらくの間私達のところに滞在することに決めた。
    English She made up her mind to stay with us for a while.
  • Japanese 彼女はしばらくの間私を見つめてばかりいた。
    English She was always staring at me for the time being.
  • Japanese 彼女はしばらくの間私たちのところに滞在することを決めた。
    English She made up her mind to stay with us for a while.
  • Japanese 彼女はしばらくの間幸福だった。
    English She was happy for some time.
  • Japanese 彼女はしばらくの間その問題を熟考した。
    English She pondered the question for a while.
  • Japanese 彼女が疲れているので、私たちはしばらく休んだ方がよい。
    English Seeing that she is tired, we had better stop for a while.



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