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じまう じまうDictionary
Godan verb with `u' ending
  • to do something completely
仕舞う しまうDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `u' ending
transitive verb
  • to finish
  • to close
  • to do something completely
  • to put away
  • to put an end to
終う しまうDictionary
Godan verb with `u' ending
transitive verb
  • to finish
  • to close
  • to do something completely
  • to put away
  • to put an end to
了う しまうDictionary
Godan verb with `u' ending
transitive verb
  • to finish
  • to close
  • to do something completely
  • to put away
  • to put an end to


  • put away〔【直訳】何かを現在ある場所から離れた(away)所に置く〕 【他動】lodge


  • Japanese この世界の教育にはがっかりしてしまう
  • Japanese 人は食事を取らなければ死んでしまう
  • Japanese 「もし疲れているなら寝たらどう?」 「僕が今寝たらあまりに早く目覚めてしまうから。」
  • Japanese しかし、その貸金庫に預けているものを狙った男達に、ハナを誘拐されてしまう。その誘拐犯達とは、実は刑事だった。
    English However men, seeking the contents of that safe, kidnap Hana. And those men were really detectives.
  • Japanese その陰謀を画策してる人たちを必要以上に大きく見てしまうことは、まさに彼らの思うツボだと思います。
    English I think overestimating the people masterminding that conspiracy is exactly what they want.
  • Japanese 偽造カードと暗証番号が揃えば、口座にある限りの現金が引き出されてしまう
    English If they can get both a forged card and its PIN then all the cash in the bank account will be withdrawn.
  • Japanese あなたは充分可愛い女の子の範疇に入ると思います。部長のおめがねには余裕でかなってしまうでしょう。
    English I think you fall well within 'cute girl'. You'd easily go and pass in his judgement.
  • Japanese 言ってから、まゆちゃんは恥ずかしそうに俯いてしまう
    English Having said it, Mayu hangs her head in embarrassment.
  • Japanese まずいよ。また遅刻だ!!はやくも遅刻魔の異名をとってしまう
    English Oh no! I'm late again!! I'm going to get the nickname 'King of Late arrival'.
  • Japanese ただ会釈をするだけなのに、妙にしゃちほこ張ってしまう
    English It was just a simple greeting, but somehow I got strangely tense.
  • Japanese 特に、調和平均の実際の使用例としては、「平均速度」が主に取り上げられ、説明がそこで終わってしまうのが通例である。
    English In particular it is customary for actual examples of use of the harmonic mean generally cover "average speed," and explain no further than that.
  • Japanese 下手に独自の方向性を出すと、攻撃されてしまうから、安全パイの報道しかしない。
    English They'll be attacked if they carelessly express an original viewpoint, so they only report on the safe options.
  • Japanese 下手に手を動かすと気付かれてしまうという強迫観念が俺を襲う。
    English I was assailed by the stupid, but unshakeable, idea that if I was imprudent enough to move my hand I'd be noticed.
  • Japanese 一つのミスで荒らしと間違えられて、叩かれてしまう
    English Just one slip and you'll be mistaken for a troll and flamed.
  • Japanese なるべく考えまいとは思っていたのだが、自覚をしてしまうと途端に侘しいような気持ちにもなってくる。
    English I had tried to avoid thinking that as much as possible but as soon as I faced it I started to feel miserable.
  • Japanese そんなことが気になってしまうのが人の性ですね・・・。
    English It is human nature to be bugged by such things.
  • Japanese さしずめ忍耐力に自信のない筆者などは、2,3時間で音をあげてしまう作業である。
    English In fact, an artist lacking in confidence and fortitude would lose focus after 2 or 3 hours.
  • Japanese この商店街は地元では唯一のショッピング街で、日用品から勉強に必要なものまで一通り揃ってしまう
    English This shopping district is the only high street in the local area; it stocks the whole line-up from products for daily life to school study equipment.
  • Japanese オーボエ奏者なんかは自分にあうリードを探すより作った方が速いと、自分で作ってしまう人もいる。
    English Heck, with oboe players there are those who, rather than search for a reed that suits them, find it faster to make their own.
  • Japanese 例のスキャンダルはそういつまでも臭いものにフタというわけにはいくまい。いずれ人は嗅ぎつけてしまうさ。
    English I don't think we can keep the lid on the scandal much longer; people are bound to find out.



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