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僧位 そういDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • priestly rank
僧衣 そういDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • priest's garb
創意 そういDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • original idea
  • originality
創痍 そういDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • wound
  • scar
相違 そういDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • difference
  • discrepancy
  • variation
総意 そういDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • consensus of opinion


  • Japanese そういうものなんです。
  • Japanese そういう印象を与えるつもりではなかったんです。
  • Japanese だからお互いに助け合う必要があったので、そういう意味では妹との絆は強かった。
    English Therefore we had to help each other and in that way the bonds between me and my sister were strong.
  • Japanese そういえば、電車の中で隣に座ったほろ酔いのおっさんに、自分の俳句を見て欲しいと言われたことがある。
    English Now that I think of it, I've been asked to look at a haiku he'd written by the tipsy bloke sitting next to me on the train.
  • Japanese ハゲタカが突っつく死んだ鹿とか、他の動物の食べ残しとか、 そういう腐った肉を死肉と書きました。
    English A dead deer being pecked by vultures, remains partly eaten by other animals, that sort of rotten meat is called 'carrion'.
  • Japanese 若い棋士が多少、尊大な感じになるのはよくあることで、 そういうことは将棋界に限った話ではないでしょう。
    English It often happens that young shogi players become a little self-important, but I don't think that's something limited to the shogi world.
  • Japanese 別にブルマに特別な関心があるわけじゃない。そういうフェティシズムはない、と思う。
    English It's not like I've got any special interest in gym shorts - I've not got that fetish, I think.
  • Japaneseそういえば谷本君は?」「あいかわらず一匹オオカミ気取っているよ」
    English "Now that I think of it, where's Tanimoto?" "Playing the lone wolf, as always."
  • Japanese そうじゃない。性差別やら女性蔑視やら、そういうものとは関係なく、男と女は違うんだ。
    English That's not what I meant. I'm not being sexist. Men and women are just different.
  • Japanese あんないい男そうそういないぞ!!
    English There aren't many blokes that nice!
  • Japanese 正直なところ、その当時の僕は血縁がどうとか、続柄がどうとか、そういう話はまるで理解出来ちゃいなかった。
    English Truthfully, at that time, I didn't have the first idea about such talk: family links, blood relations or whatever.
  • Japanese そりゃ、フィクション世界ってのはそういう細かい部分をはしょるからな。
    English Well that's because in fiction that sort of fine detail gets skipped.
  • Japanese そういえば。やばい、秀樹に毒されてるわ。
    English Now that you mention it. Yeek, Hideki's habits are rubbing off on me!
  • Japanese そういう度を越したアホはやめて欲しいですねー。
    English I wish you'd quit that sort of super-league stupidity.
  • Japanese そういう相手の前では、私の見せ掛けだけの怜悧な技術は、見抜かれた時に負けていたと思う。
    English I think that against somebody like that, my seemingly clever techniques would be seen through and then I would be defeated.
  • Japanese そういうのは男として正しいことなんでしょうか。
    English I wonder if that is the sort of thing you should do as a man.
  • Japanese そういうの、先入観っていうんだよっ!体験したこと無いのに、決め付けるのはよくないっ!
    English That's what they call 'prejudice'! It's wrong to make your mind up on something you've never experienced!
  • Japanese 「そうね、たしかに今日の春樹ちゃんは乗ってなかった感じ」「げ。そういうのって分かるのか?」
    English "You're right, certainly you don't seem to have been into it today." "Eh! You can tell that sort of thing?"
  • Japanese 例のスキャンダルはそういつまでも臭いものにフタというわけにはいくまい。いずれ人は嗅ぎつけてしまうさ。
    English I don't think we can keep the lid on the scandal much longer; people are bound to find out.
  • Japanese 洋子がそういうのももっともだ。
    English It's natural that Yoko should say a thing like that.



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    60歳代男性の脱力、毎日飲酒+るいそうなら?りんごとベリーのガトーインビジブルJavaScript is not available.ニコニコお腹周りが痩せて笑顔の女性送付状テンプレート【word・excel】 | 無料ダウンロード
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