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作る つくるDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to make
  • to produce
  • to manufacture
  • to build
  • to construct

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to prepare (food)
  • to brew (alcohol)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to raise
  • to grow
  • to cultivate
  • to train

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to till

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to draw up (a document)
  • to make out
  • to prepare
  • to write

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to create (an artistic work, etc.)
  • to compose

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to coin (a phrase)
  • to organize
  • to organise
  • to establish
  • to found

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to have (a child)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to make up (one's face, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to fabricate (an excuse, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to form (a line, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to set (a record)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to commit (a sin, etc.)
創る つくるDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to make
  • to produce
  • to manufacture
  • to build
  • to construct

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to prepare (food)
  • to brew (alcohol)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to raise
  • to grow
  • to cultivate
  • to train

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to till

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to draw up (a document)
  • to make out
  • to prepare
  • to write

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to create (an artistic work, etc.)
  • to compose

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to coin (a phrase)
  • to organize
  • to organise
  • to establish
  • to found

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to have (a child)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to make up (one's face, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to fabricate (an excuse, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to form (a line, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to set (a record)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to commit (a sin, etc.)
造る つくるDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to make
  • to produce
  • to manufacture
  • to build
  • to construct

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to prepare (food)
  • to brew (alcohol)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to raise
  • to grow
  • to cultivate
  • to train

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to till

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to draw up (a document)
  • to make out
  • to prepare
  • to write

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to create (an artistic work, etc.)
  • to compose

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to coin (a phrase)
  • to organize
  • to organise
  • to establish
  • to found

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to have (a child)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to make up (one's face, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to fabricate (an excuse, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to form (a line, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to set (a record)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to commit (a sin, etc.)


  • Japanese 庶民のなりわいは、米をつくることだった。
    English The ordinary people had their livelihood in farming rice.
  • Japanese 立派な羽が立派な鳥をつくる
    English Fine feathers make fine birds.
  • Japanese 北海道では藁の馬をつくる
    English In Hokkaido, they make horses of straw.
  • Japanese 彼女は洋服は全部注文でつくる
    English She has all her suits made to order.
  • Japanese 中国料理をつくることにかけては、彼女の右に出る者はいない。
    English She is second to none when it comes to cooking Chinese food.
  • Japanese 彼らは橋をつくることに決めた。
    English They decided to build a bridge.
  • Japanese 彼は友人をつくる才能がある。
    English He has a faculty for making friends.
  • Japanese 中国料理をつくるとなると、私の夫はプロ並みだ。
  • Japanese 私は辞書をつくる目的で用例を集めた。
    English I have gathered examples with the object of making a dictionary.
  • Japanese 私の趣味は模型飛行機をつくることです。
    English My hobby is making model planes.
  • Japanese 私の趣味のひとつは造花をつくることです。
    English One of my hobbies is making artificial flowers.
  • Japanese 抗体は新たな借用書をつくる
    English Antibodies give a new lease of life.
  • Japanese いつか、綿菓子をつくる機械を買うんだ。
  • Japanese 皆さんは、皮膚がんになる危険性が大いにあり、体を弱りきらせ、食料の乏しい、動植物の減少した未来の世界を私たちにつくるつもりですか。
    English Are you creating for us a future world where there is a greater danger of skin cancer, weakened bodies, less food and fewer plants and animals?
  • Japanese よい垣根はよい隣人をつくる
    English Good fences make good neighbors.
  • Japanese ミツバチは蜂蜜をつくる
    English Bees make honey.
  • Japanese ホームページをつくるのもいいけど、著作権の侵害になるようなことはしてはいません。
    English It's fine to set up a web page, just be sure you don't infringe anybody's copyright.
  • Japanese スーツをつくる時は正確に寸法を測る必要があります。
    English It's necessary to take correct measurements when you are tailoring a suit.
  • Japanese この生地は洋服をつくるのには向かない。
    English This material is not suitable for a dress.
  • Japanese この機械は一分間に100部のコピーをつくる
    English This machine makes 100 copies a minute.



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