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何方 どっちDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • which way
  • which direction
  • where

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • which one (esp. of two alternatives)

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • who
孰方 どっちDictionary
word containing out-dated kanji
  • (uk) which way
  • which direction
  • where

word containing out-dated kanji
  • which one (esp. of two alternatives)

word containing out-dated kanji
  • who


  • Japanese 素朴な疑問なんだけど、・・・トラとライオンはどっちが強いの?
    English This may be a silly question, but which is stronger - a tiger or a lion?
  • Japanese どっちに主眼をおくかでどちらでもいいでしょ。
    English Depending on which you think of as the main point, either is OK.
  • Japanese 問題はどっちを選ぶかだ。
    English The question is which to choose.
  • Japanese 民主党はまだ候補者を決めていないが、どっちにしても負けるに決まっている。
    English The Democrats haven't decided on their candidates yet, but in any case they're sure to lose.
  • Japanese 僕はどっちでも結構です。
    English It's all the same to me.
  • Japanese 彼女はどっちを買ったらよいか私に助言をしてくれた。
    English She advised me which I should buy.
  • Japanese 彼らは全部とてもにているので、どっちがどっちなのか区別できません。
    English They are all so much alike that I can't tell which is which.
  • Japanese 彼らはとてもよく似ているのでどっちがどっちかわからない。
    English They are so alike that I can't tell which is which.
  • Japanese 彼は私にどっちへ行けばいいのか尋ねた。
    English He asked me which way to go.
  • Japanese 彼はどっちの方向へ行きましたか。
    English Which direction did he go?
  • Japanese 彼はどっちつかずだ。
    English He's sitting on the fence.
  • Japanese 彼がどっちか決心してくれればいいのになあ。
    English I wish he would make up his mind one way or other.
  • Japanese 二つのうちどっちが重いの。
    English Which is the heavier of the two?
  • Japanese 春と秋のどっちが好きですか。
    English Which do you prefer, spring or autumn?
  • Japanese 仕事と家庭どっちが大切。
    English Which comes first, your career or your family?
  • Japanese 今度はどっちが勝っていますか。
    English Which side is winning this time?
  • Japanese 紅茶とコーヒーとどっちが好きですか。
    English Which do you like better, tea or coffee?
  • Japanese 君はどっちのベッドを使いたい?
    English Which bed do you want to use?
  • Japanese 君たちのどっちが勝つのだろう。
    English I wonder which of you will win.
  • Japanese 生きていた15年が苦しいか、また刀を腹に突き立てた一刹那が苦しいか、どっちが苦しいだろう?



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