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成るべく なるべくDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
adverb (fukushi)
  • as much as possible
  • wherever practicable
成る可く なるべくDictionary
adverb (fukushi)
  • as much as possible
  • wherever practicable


  • 【副】preferably


  • Japanese 偏頭痛がおこったときに対処するだけではなく、普段の生活のなかで、偏頭痛をなるべく防いでいくのも大事なことです。
    English It's the prevention of migraines during daily life that's important, not dealing with migraines when they occur.
  • Japanese なるべく姉ちゃんにも周りにも迷惑をかけずに、事態の早期解決をなんとか頼むぞ。
    English I want you to somehow resolve the situation as promptly and avoiding to cause trouble for my sister and those around us as much as possible.
  • Japanese 漢字を書くときは点やはらいに気をつけて、なるべく早くていねいに書きましょう。
    English When drawing kanji be careful of dots and sweeps, write as carefully and quickly as possible.
  • Japanese なるべく考えまいとは思っていたのだが、自覚をしてしまうと途端に侘しいような気持ちにもなってくる。
    English I had tried to avoid thinking that as much as possible but as soon as I faced it I started to feel miserable.
  • Japanese コートを探してます。背が低いので、丈は短めで、なるべくすっきりしたデザインのものを。
    English I'm looking for a coat. I'm short so the length should be on the short side, and as refined a design as possible.
  • Japanese 特別扱いしますが、なるべく短めにしてくださいね。
    English I'll make this a special case, but try to keep it short.
  • Japanese 大至急お願い、なるべく早くお願いします。
    English I need it ASAP.
  • Japanese 助手を求めています。なるべくならば経験のある人を望む。
    English We want an assistant, preferably someone with experience.
  • Japanese 時勢に遅れないように、なるべく多くの新聞を読みなさい。
    English Read as many newspapers as you can so as to keep up with the times.
  • Japanese 最も多くを制する者は、なるべくなりをひそめる。
    English They that govern the most make the least noise.
  • Japanese われわれはなるべくたくさん本を読むべきである。
    English We should read as many books as possible.
  • Japanese なるべく早く診察を受けたいのですが。
    English I'd like to come to see the doctor as soon as possible.
  • Japanese なるべく早くご返事いただければ幸いです。
    English I would appreciate a reply as soon as possible.
  • Japanese なるべく早く、全額をご送金くださるようお願いします。
  • Japanese なるべく安いほうがいいです。
    English I would like the least expensive one.
  • Japanese なるべくゆっくり話してもらえますか。
    English Could you speak as slowly as possible?
  • Japanese 彼は技術者になるべく生まれてきた。
  • Japanese なるべく飛行機での旅行は避けています。
    English I avoid traveling by air, if I can help it.
  • Japanese これはなるべく早くお医者さんに診てもらった方がいいですよ。
    English I suggest that you go and see a doctor about this as soon as you can.
  • Japanese 開封後はなるべくお早めにお召し上がりください。



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