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載せる のせるDictionary
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to place on (something)

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to give (someone) a ride
  • to give a lift
  • to pick up
  • to help on board

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to load (luggage)
  • to carry
  • to take on board

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to send out (on the airwaves, etc.)

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to deceive
  • to take for a ride

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to (sing) along with (musical accompaniment)

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to let (someone) take part

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to excite (someone)

Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to publish (an article)
  • to run (an ad)
乗せる のせるDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to place on (something)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to give (someone) a ride
  • to give a lift
  • to pick up
  • to help on board

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to load (luggage)
  • to carry
  • to take on board

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to send out (on the airwaves, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to deceive
  • to take for a ride

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to (sing) along with (musical accompaniment)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to let (someone) take part

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to excite (someone)


  • Japanese 彼は頭をのせるため二三のクッションを持ってきた。
    English He fetched a few cushions to prop up her head.
  • Japanese マッチ棒の頭にそれらは5個のせることができるくらいです。
    English You can put five of them across the head of a match.
  • Japanese この話をぼくは舞台にのせるかもしれない。
    English I may put this story on the stage.



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