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みたい みたい
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
  • -like
  • sort of
  • similar to
  • resembling


  • Japanese 馬鹿みたい
    English You look stupid.
  • Japanese たまには偏差値の高い人とレベルの高い会話してみたい
    English I like to have a deep conversation with a more academic person from time to time.
  • Japanese ジブの裏帆とラダーを使って、バックしながら船首を進みたい方向に向けました。
    English Using the rudder and the jib with the wind behind it we backed up, turning the bow to the direction we wanted to go.
  • Japanese まるで、沈む船から逃げるネズミみたいね。
    English It's just like rats leaving a sinking ship.
  • Japanese ああそうそう、コメント欄のバグは文字間を調節するletter-spacingタグを使うと起こるものだったみたい
    English Oh, while I remember, it seems that that was a bug that occurs when you use the comment field's 'letter-spacing' tag which adjusts the tracking.
  • Japanese 「アキちゃん今日休み?」「風邪こじらせたみたいね」
    English "Aki's off school today?" "It seems her cold got worse."
  • Japanese ら抜き言葉って知っている?けっこう間違った言葉を使う生徒が多いみたい
    English You know about 'ra-skipped words'? It looks like quite a lot of students are using mistaken words.
  • Japanese 「どーした、もじもじして」「あーいや、何かパンツのゴム切れちゃったみたいで」
    English "What's up? Fidgeting like that" "Er, well, it looks like the elastic's gone in my pants."
  • Japanese 2人とも今日は大活躍だったみたいね。先生も鼻が高いわ。
    English You've both been very impressive today. I'm proud of you.
  • Japanese 論文だなんて・・・私が書いてるのは、ただの随想、エッセイみたいなもんですよ。
    English Theses! ... What I write are just my ramblings, they're just something like essays.
  • Japanese 迷っている間にも、どんどん袋小路に追いつめられていくみたい
    English Even while I was dithering it's like I was being backed further and further into a corner.
  • Japanese 赤ん坊のお尻みたいにすべすべだ。
    English It's as smooth as a baby's bottom.
  • Japanese 似てくると言うよりは類友みたいな感じですね。
    English Rather than coming to resemble each other, it feels like they are birds of a feather.
  • Japanese 今朝こんなの無かったけど・・・誰かが不法投棄したみたい
    English This wasn't here this morning ... looks like somebody's been fly tipping.
  • Japanese よく聞いたら、ネタじゃなくてマジボケだったみたいです。
    English When I asked afterwards it seems he hadn't said that as a joke.
  • Japanese まあまあなんて細い腰なの!お顔も小さくて、本当にお人形さんみたい
    English My what a narrow waist! Her face is small, she really looks just like a doll!
  • Japanese どうやら、1年ブランクを取り戻し、旧交を温めることができたみたいだな。
    English It looks like we've been able to fill in that one year gap and renew our old friendship.
  • Japanese ってか健介が同時にスタジオへ着いたみたいで他の2人はまだ遅れてる様だった。
    English Or rather it seems, Kensuke arrived at the studio at the same that I and the other two were still coming.
  • Japanese お兄ちゃん、このお魚本当に美味しいの?黒鯛が極道に落ちて、全国指名手配されたみたいなお魚だよ?
    English Hey, is this fish tasty for real? It looks like a black porgy who'd fallen in with mobsters and been put on the country's most wanted list!?
  • Japanese うん、誤診だったみたい
    English Yes, it seems it was a misdiagnosis.



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