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無我 むがDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • selflessness
  • self-effacement
  • self-renunciation

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • anatman (no-self, the Buddhist concept that in nothing does there exist an inherent self, soul, or ego)


  • Japanese 審判の方をちらりと睨むが、審判は涼しい顔して鼻クソをほじっていやがった。「ちくしょう、八百長かよ・・・」
    English I glared briefly in the referee's direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose. "Dammit, the fight's a fixup!?"
  • Japanese 父は普通ビールを飲むが、今夜はワインを飲んだ。
    English My father usually drinks beer, but this evening he drank wine.
  • Japanese 彼は時々ワインをたしなむが、たいていはウイスキーを飲む。
    English He enjoys wine sometimes, but mostly he drinks whisky.
  • Japanese 彼はずいぶんと酒を飲むが、いつも酔っていないように見える。
    English He drinks a lot but always seems sober.
  • Japanese 折れるよりはたわむがまさる。
    English Better bend than break.
  • Japanese 時勢に遅れないように、できるだけ多くの新聞を読むがよい。
    English You had better read as many newspapers as you can so that you may not be left behind the times.
  • Japanese 案ずるより産むが易し。
    English Fear often exaggerates danger.
  • Japanese われわれは権力を憎むが法と秩序の必要は認める。
    English While we hate force, we recognize the need for law and order.
  • Japanese いつまでも思い悩まないで、とりあえず動いてみたら。案ずるより産むが易しだよ。
    English I'd stop worrying about it and take some action. The anxiety that comes from doing nothing is worse than any danger you might face.
  • Japanese 私の両親は本や雑誌を読むが、私はもっと沢山読みます。
    English My parents read books and magazines, but I read more.



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