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やれ やれ
interjection (kandoushi)
  • oh!
  • ah!
  • oh dear!
  • dear me!
  • thank God!


  • Japanese 親切にしてやればつけあがる。
  • Japanese 君たちは学生なんだ、こんなことをやれるのは今だけだ。
    English You're students - It's only now what you can do this sort of thing.
  • Japanese ああ、男に二言はない。でも手伝うだけだからな。美咲もやれよ。
    English Yes, a man is as good as his word. But I'll just be helping, you understand. You'll have to work too.
  • Japanese 不言実行。ガタガタ言わずにやればいいんだよ。
    English Actions speak louder than words. Stop complaining and do it.
  • Japanese 彼女に優しくしてやれよ、ビル。
  • Japanese 彼らとはうまくやれない。
    English I can't fit in with them.
  • Japanese 彼らがやれば1週間で終わる。
    English Between them they can finish in a week.
  • Japanese 彼は私が考えもつかなかったことをやれると信じている。
    English He credits me with doing things I never thought of.
  • Japanese 彼は子供たちのために、やれることはなんでもやった。
    English He did everything he could do for the sake of his children.
  • Japanese 彼はとても臆病だからそんなことはやれない。
    English He is too much of a coward to attempt it.
  • Japanese 彼はそれをうまくやれる、君ならなおさらだ。
    English He can do it well, and you can do it even better.
  • Japanese 彼はその仕事を十分やれる。
    English He is equal to the job.
  • Japanese 彼はその仕事をやれる力量があった。
    English He was equal to the job.
  • Japanese 彼はああやれば良かったのに。
    English He should have done it that way.
  • Japanese 彼は、まだ新人なんだから大目に見てやれよ。
    English Go easy on him. He's still new around here.
  • Japanese 彼の両親はたいへん貧乏だったので、むすこを大学にやれなかった。
    English His parents were too poor to send their son to college.
  • Japanese 彼に有利に解釈してやれよ。
    English Give him the benefit of the doubt.
  • Japanese 彼に思うとおりにさせてやれ
    English Let him go his own way.
  • Japanese 彼に我が道を行かせてやれ
    English Let him go his own way.
  • Japanese 彼には他の者に分けてやれるだけの食べ物はなかった。
    English He never had enough food to give to someone else.



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