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詠む よむDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
transitive verb
  • to compose (e.g. a Japanese poem)
  • to write

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
transitive verb
  • to recite (e.g. a poem)
  • to chant
訓む よむDictionary
Godan verb with `mu' ending
transitive verb
  • to pronounce kanji (using the native Japanese reading)
読む よむDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
transitive verb
  • to read


  • Japanese 私はその本をよむことはむずかしいとわかった。
    English I found it difficult to read the book.



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      田村洋子 木版画展@ギャラリーモーニング【PRESS】
    コメント田村 洋子(たむら ようこ)ご使用中のブラウザは「Internet Explorer」です。Gallery Morning kyoto ShowcaseたむらようこさんGallery Morning kyoto ShowcaseGallery Morning kyoto Showcase
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Wikipedia Translations