As you can also tell from these beautiful, far from Japanese, looks, Yuna is not pure-blood Japanese. She's a quarter-blood with a westerner as grandmother.
If the distance you move the pen is too small, the speed too slow, it can't recognize the gestures well and you can't operate it in the way you thought.
I wonder why it is that some plants become annuals and others perennials?
Generally once round this river side area is the basic morning course.
Now this is more like it.
This sweet potato is only half-baked and is still crunchy.
In this way a passing boat noticed them, thanks to Takeda's scream, and they survived without incident.
What you call a 'charm', you know, is what girls wish upon that they may get together with the person they love and such like.
Whoops! There aren't many live coals left! Go make some kindling would you?
"I'm too old to be playing with bugs", said the boy.