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分かつ わかつDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `tsu' ending
transitive verb
  • to divide
  • to separate

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `tsu' ending
transitive verb
  • to share
  • to distribute

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `tsu' ending
transitive verb
  • to distinguish
分つ わかつDictionary
Godan verb with `tsu' ending
transitive verb
  • to divide
  • to separate

Godan verb with `tsu' ending
transitive verb
  • to share
  • to distribute

Godan verb with `tsu' ending
transitive verb
  • to distinguish
別つ わかつDictionary
Godan verb with `tsu' ending
transitive verb
  • to divide
  • to separate

Godan verb with `tsu' ending
transitive verb
  • to share
  • to distribute

Godan verb with `tsu' ending
transitive verb
  • to distinguish



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