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沸く わくDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to grow hot (of water, etc.)
  • to boil

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be in a state of excitement
  • to get excited
  • to take place energetically
湧く わくDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to well (up)
  • to gush forth (of water)
  • to spring out
  • to surge

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)
涌く わくDictionary
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to well (up)
  • to gush forth (of water)
  • to spring out
  • to surge

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.)

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • frame
  • slide
  • border
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • frame
  • slide
  • border


  • → 湧く(温泉・石油・歓声・拍手・勇気・希望・実感・悔し涙などが)


  • Japanese ふふ・・・いわくがあるのさ、あそこには。
    English He-heh... there's a tale behind that, for that place.
  • Japanese 彼女は彼がいたのでわくわくしていた。
    English She was thrilled with his presence.
  • Japanese 彼女は前の夫に会うのがこわくてその会合に出席しなかった。
    English She didn't attend the meeting for fear of meeting her ex-husband.
  • Japanese 彼女はその有名な歌手に会えると思うとわくわくした。
    English She thrilled at the thought that she would meet the famous singer.
  • Japanese 彼女に会えると思うとわくわくする。
    English I am excited at the prospect of seeing her.
  • Japanese 彼は新しい仕事にわくわくしている。
  • Japanese 彼はわくわくするような冒険談をしてくれた。
    English He told us a very exciting story of adventure.
  • Japanese 彼はその美しい光景を見てわくわくした。
    English He was excited to see the beautiful scenery.
  • Japanese 彼のスラックスはしわくちゃだ。
  • Japanese 彼のおどしなどちっともこわくない。
  • Japanese 猫は夕食に魚にありつくとわくわくする。
    English My cat is thrilled with joy when she gets fish for dinner.
  • Japanese 大統領に会うなんて本当にわくわくした。
    English It was a great thrill to meet the President.
  • Japanese 新しいビルへの移転にわくわくしてます。
    English We are excited about the move to the new building.
  • Japanese 少女達はその俳優に会えると思ってわくわくしていた。
    English The girls were all excited at the thought of meeting the actor.
  • Japanese 自分の新居にわくわくしている。
    English I am thrilled with my new home.
  • Japanese 私はこの映画がとてもわくわくするものだと分かった。
    English I found this film very exciting.
  • Japanese 私にとって初めての上京はわくわくすることでした。
    English It was exciting for me to go to the capital for the first time.
  • Japanese 私たちはその試合を見てわくわくした。
    English We were excited to see the game.
  • Japanese 賢人いわく、人生は失望の連続である。
    English Some wise man has said life consists of one disappointment after another.
  • Japanese 喜びでわくわくした。
    English I jumped for joy.



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