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かさかさ かさかさDictionary
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • dry
  • bone dry

adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • rustle
がさがさ がさがさDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
adverb (fukushi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • rustling
  • dry or rough feeling
カサカサ カサカサ
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • dry
  • bone dry

Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • rustle


  • Japanese 冬の冷たい風に何時間もさらされていたせいで肌がカサカサになった。
  • Japanese 毎年冬になると唇がカサカサに乾燥してしまいます。
    English I get chapped lips every winter.

