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mercari beeant


クロラミン クロラミン
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • chloramine


  • chloramine《化》



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                Mitigating Microbes: Three Common Infectious Microbes and What You Can Do About ThemChloramine Removal Activated CarbonFluval Aqua Plus Water Conditioner 250mlpowerpoint   chloramineChloramine-TKusuri Chloramine T 100g 250g Garden Pond Bacterial Parasite Treatment KoiChloramine-THot ProductsChloramine T  Powder Medical Intermediate 127 65 1 99% PurityChloramine t trihydrate – C7H7CINNAO2S – CH3C6H4SO2NClNa.3H2Okitchen faucet washing fresh vegetables.Chloramine-T disinfectant molecule, illustrationChloramine-T 100 gr.Chloramine T 1NT LABS CHLORAMINE T KOI CARE PARASITE & BACTERIA TREATMENT POND FISH KOI GARDENAntibiofilm Activity and Mechanism of Action of the Disinfectant Chloramine T on Candida spp., and Its Toxicity against Human CellsHydra Chloramine T (KHV Treatment)Chloramine-T (tosylchloramide) disinfectant molecule. Atoms are represented as spheres with conventional color coding: hydrogen (white), carbon (grey)Chloramine-TChloramine TChloramine T sodium salt, trihydrate
										Chloramine T sodium salt, trihydrate
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