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adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • simmering noise
  • light bubbling
  • gentle clinking
  • sound of rapping
  • sound of rattling

adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • cooking something on a low flame
  • chopping something lightly
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adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • clop clop
  • rumble rumble

adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • sound of something being boiled
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adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • clop clop
  • rumble rumble

adverb (fukushi)
adverb taking the `to' particle
  • sound of something being boiled

