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トランスフェラーゼ トランスフェラーゼ
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • transferase


  • transferase《生化学》



Glutathione S-Transferase pi 1/GSTP1 Antibody (3F2C2)Detection of Human Glutathione S‑Transferase mu 1/ GS by Western Blot.第2相反応 抱合反応をゴロと図で分かりやすく解説【薬剤師国会試験Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence - Anti-glutathione S transferase Omega 1/p28 antibody [EPR8371(B)] (ab131262)Glutathione S-Transferase pi 1/GSTP1 Antibody (11D5)Microsomal Glutathione S-transferase 1 Antibodiesimage16_2image16_1Glutathione S-Transferase pi 1/GSTP1 AntibodiesGlutathione S- transferaseGlutathione S-Transferase pi 1/GSTP1 AntibodyGSH Mitochondrial Glutathione (GSH)Metabolism of Strained Rings: Glutathione S-transferase–Catalyzed Formation of a Glutathione-Conjugated Spiro-azetidine without Prior BioactivationGSH Conjugation of a Non-bioactivated Spiro-azetidine by GSTGSH Conjugation of a Non-bioactivated Spiro-azetidine by GSTSDS-PAGE - Recombinant Human glutathione S transferase Omega 1/p28 (mutated ) protein (ab82954)Recombinant mouse Glutathione S Transferase mu protein (ab168035) is not available酸化型・還元型グルタチオンとグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ「感染予防・対策」免疫力をあげるためのグルタチオンとは?Glutathione Synthesis Pathway Images, Photos | MungfaliThe Multifaceted Role of Glutathione S-Transferases in Health and Diseaseグルタチオントランスフェラーゼ png
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