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ビジネスプラン ビジネスプラン
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • business plan


  • Japanese 彼のビジネスプランは立派だけど、勘定あって銭足らず、という気もするけどね。
    English His business plan looks good on paper but I get the feeling it would never work in practice.
  • Japanese 荒唐無稽と皆に言われた彼のビジネスプランだけど、今となっては我々の不明を恥じるしかないのかね。
    English Every one of us who ridiculed his business plan as a bunch of hokum should be embarrassed we did.
  • Japanese 孤軍奮闘したけれど、衆寡敵せず、彼のビジネスプランは受け入れられなかったよ。
    English He put up a brave and lone struggle, but up against such heavy odds he couldn't get his business plan accepted.
  • Japanese 君の夢一杯のビジネスプラン、絵に描いた餅にならんことを切に望むよ。
    English This business plan of yours seems almost too optimistic. All I can say is I hope it's more than just wishful thinking.

