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プルトニウム プルトニウム
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • plutonium (Pu)


  • plutonium《元素》〔【略】Pu◆原子番号94。原子量239。融点639.5℃。沸点3235℃。〕



【640㌔分】日本政府、プルトニウム保有量報告漏れ【海外反応】Plutonium: The scary element that helps probe space's secretsWhat Radioactive Plutonium Feels Like【韓国の反応】みずきの女子知韓宣言(´∀`*)Japan No Atomic Bomb (JNAB)  日本原爆禁止の会pellet4.jpegSpace Fuel: Plutonium-238 Created After 30-Year Wait[Online] Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Plutonium T6)Safety of Nuclear Powered Missionsプルトニウムの恐怖 (岩波新書 黄版 173)誰かの妄想・はてなブログ版  日本が大量のプルトニウムを抱えているのは事実だしなぁプルトニウム北朝鮮、寧辺核施設の稼動状況を把握、プルトニウム抽出で核兵器製造か=韓国報道たまり続ける日本のプルトニウムに募る懸念     原発再稼働で指摘される別の問題Disposing of plutonium cheaper and safer than making it fuel, says leaked US reportDisposing of plutonium cheaper and safer than making it fuel, says leaked US reportcharles@bellona.noLet’s work together!nature graphicsNASA's Plutonium Problem Could End Deep-Space ExplorationPlutonium Photograph - Plutonium, Atomic Model by Francis Leroy, BiocosmosWatch How They Make The The Super Toxic Plutonium-238 Element In This VideoWhy We Need More Plutonium 238Why We Need More Plutonium 238Plutonium dioxide glows with the heat of its natural decay inside a protective cylindrical shell of graphite. (DOE/Idaho National Laboratory)CassiniplutoniumA picture taken on June 28, 2016 shows the logo of Russian atomic energy agency Rosatom during the World Nuclear Exhibition in Le Bourget, near Paris. / AFP / ERIC PIERMONT (Photo credit should read ERIC PIERMONT/AFP/Getty Images)Oak Ridge Scientists Produce First Plutonium-238 in 28 YearsNASA puts population, commerce, and environment at risk by using a Plutonium-238 energy source for the Mars Rover20120918_11How the hell should I know?放射性核種分析[プルトニウム238、239+240分析]US Resumes Production Of Plutonium-238JavaScript is required...Plutonium-238 Production for Space ExplorationArco Medical’s Nuclear-Powered Pacemaker (ca.1974)
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