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モナド論 モナドろんDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • monadology



モナドノック 特殊警棒 フリクションロック セーフティーティップモナドのカスタマーレビューモナドノック クボタン D-ジャマー アルミ[mon6001]メツとモナドThe Conjuration of the Seven ExplainedA Totalitarian Monad: National Sozialism/Marxism-LeninismFull Moon of WESAK Meditation – Sat 6 May 5.30pmMonad University Fee Structure & Courses春の訪れ2023 春のルックブックどんなシーンにも対応VEILANCE SPRING '23高山で一夜を過ごすゴールを目指してアプリストア抽選販売のご案内ARC’TERYX BIRD CLUBWho We Are新製品新製品Monads, Functors, and Setoids, oh my!The Left IdentityThe Right IdentityAssociativity(保存用) 檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記 メモ編  モナドの圏が17種類The MonadHow Poply Is Infusing The Power Of Community Into Trading NFTs On The Monad ChainFeatures That Set Up Poply ApartFinal Thoughtsr/Xenoblade_Chronicles - Daily Shulk #21OuterPlane Global Release Scheduled For Next WeekThe Monad – And other Essays on the Higher ConsciousnessThe first and highest aspect of God is described by Plato as the One (To "Ev, 'To Hen'), the source, or the Monad. This is the God above the Demiurge, and manifests through the actions of the Demiurge. The Monad emanated the demiurge or Nous (consciousness) from its "indeterminate' vitality due to the monad being so abundant that it overflowed back onto itself, causing self-reflection. This self-reflection of the indeterminate vitality was referred to by Plotinus as the "Demiurge" or creator. The second principle is organization in its reflection of the nonsentient force or dynamis, also called the one or the Monad. The dyad is energeia emanated by the one that is then the work, process or activity called nous, Demiurge, mind, consciousness that organizes the indeterminate vitality into the experience called the material world, universe, cosmos.The Monadろんろんばし【そらろん】マトリョシカろんぐらいだぁす! ~ぱぁしゅうたぁず ろんぐらいだぁす! ・じゅにあ~ 1新装版ろんぐらいだぁす! ~ぱぁしゅうたぁず ろんぐらいだぁす! ・じゅにあ~ 1新装版Lon (ろん)※推しメン”ろんろん”&年末年始のお知らせろん♪ちまぎょろ獣医日記&べにっきprofile imageあきたこまちのブログ「トコろん」と「くまモン」黒猫ろんと暮らしたら2巻 9/10(木) 発売決定です黒猫ろんと暮らしたら3ひるおび!で『ロンギヌスの槍』が話題に!ろんりーろんりーくりすますkokutitatelogonasiそらろんリモコンCMG第二届中国电视剧年度盛典ろんろんさんの人気画像夢でも現実でも
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