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mercari beeant


上がる あがる
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to rise
  • to go up
  • to come up
  • to ascend
  • to be raised

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to enter (esp. from outdoors)
  • to come in
  • to go in

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to enter (a school)
  • to advance to the next grade

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to get out (of water)
  • to come ashore

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to increase

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to improve
  • to make progress

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be promoted
  • to advance

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be made (of profit, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to occur (esp. of a favourable result)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be finished
  • to be done
  • to be over

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to stop
  • to lift

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to stop (working properly)
  • to cut out
  • to give out
  • to die

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to win (in a card game, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be spoken loudly

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to get stage fright

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be offered (to the gods, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to go
  • to visit

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to eat
  • to drink

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be listed (as a candidate)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to serve (in one's master's home)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
intransitive verb
  • to go north

  • indicates completion


  • come up
  • go up
  • tick up〔値段や率などの数字が〕 【自他動】ascend 【自動】mount
  • rise
  • up
  • uprear


    • onyomiジョウショウシャン
    • kunyomiうえ-うえうわ-かみあ.げる-あ.げるあ.がる-あ.がるあ.がり-あ.がりのぼ.るのぼ.りのぼ.せるのぼ.すよ.す
    • meaningabove; up


  • Japanese そして、この遊具には滑り台のデッキに上がる方法がもう一つあります。
    English And there is one more method of climbing up to the slide deck.
  • Japanese 黒い天使は、その漆黒の翼を大きく広げて、空へと舞い上がる
    English The black angel spread those jet-black wings wide and flew up into the sky.
  • Japanese 会場に着くと早速担当者に「この絵は将来必ず値が上がる。 」などとしつこく言われ、契約書にサインしてしまった。
    English When I reached the hall right away the person in charge unrelentingly said things like "This painting is certain to increase in value in the future," and I went and signed the contract.
  • Japanese 枠が出来上がると、クモはちょうど自転車の車輪のやのように、それに絹の糸をかける。
    English When the frame is finished, the spider fixes lines of silk across it, just like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
  • Japanese 母は無邪気にも「もっとビールを召し上がるの」と尋ねた。
    English Mom was innocent enough to ask him: "Would you like any more beer?"
  • Japanese 物価は上がる一方だ。
    English Prices go on rising.
  • Japanese 物価はやがて上がるだろう。
    English Prices will rise in course of time.
  • Japanese 物価が天井知らずに上がる
    English Prices keep on soaring.
  • Japanese 物価が上がるのは確かだ。
    English It is certain that prices will go up.
  • Japanese 物価がまた上がるそうだ。
    English It is said that prices are going to rise again.
  • Japanese 彼女が目に涙を浮かべて階段を駆け上がるのを見た。
    English She was seen to run up the stairs with tears in her eyes.
  • Japanese 彼は怒ったときに立ち上がる癖がある。
    English He has the habit of standing up when he is angry.
  • Japanese 彼は胸中に愛国心が湧き上がるのを感じた。
    English He felt patriotism rise in his breast.
  • Japanese 彼は、社会的地位が上がるにつれて、ますます謙虚になった。
    English The higher he rose in social rank, the more modest he became.
  • Japanese 売り上げが増えるにつれて収益も上がる
    English In proportion as the sales increase, the profit will rise.
  • Japanese 第四に、小熊を連れ去ることに成功しても、私たちは休憩をせずに山を駆け上がることができるだろうか。
    English In the fourth place, even if we succeeded in carrying off the bear cubs, we could not run up a mountain without stopping to rest.
  • Japanese 生活水準は上がるべきである。
    English Living standards should be higher.
  • Japanese 整地すれば、その土地は値段が上がるだろう。
    English Cleared, the site will be valuable.
  • Japanese 需要が増すにつれて、値段が上がる
    English As the demand increases, prices go up.
  • Japanese 私は女性だが、どんな社会的不正にも立ち上がる
    English Woman as I am, I shall stand up against any social injustice.



斉藤いつみ作品集      幕が上がる『幕が上がる』の予告編・動画ももクロ、初舞台開幕を前に緊張…高城れに「答えは全て稽古場にある!」 12枚目の写真・画像幕が上がるお探しのページが見つかりません。ももクロ主演映画『幕が上がる』ポスタービジュアルが公開『幕が上がる』本広克行監督&ももいろクローバーZ 単独インタビューえっ!?ホントに吉岡里帆なの?映画『幕が上がる』での驚きの姿!!「ももクロ」百田夏菜子、「幕が上がる」でのメンバーとのラブシーンに大照れ幕が上がる幕が上がる			 / The Curtain Risesおのころ心平オフィシャルブログ「ココロとカラダの交差点」Powered by Amebaおへそのまわりの筋肉が緊張していると…回春の世界~ゴルのブログ☆上には上が・・(ノ゚ο゚)ノ【公式】ドラマ「ザ・グローリー」出演俳優イ・ドヒョン側、上半期入隊との報道に「事実無根、決まったことはない」「合コン?参加してあげる♡」上から目線の”勘違い”女性。自分が世界一可愛いと思っていたのに…→「美人じゃないけど愛嬌あるね!」男性の”正直な”言葉がクリーンヒット!?静岡市葵区歯医者・みまつ渡辺歯科医院。インプラント~小児歯科まで総合歯医者です。【上には上がいる】と【上には上がある】の意味の違いと使い方の例文上には上がいる話。上には上がいるニコニコ動画上には上がある上には上がいるYahoo!ニュース【気象情報】29日夕方にかけて上・中越では大雨に注意 今後、警報級の可能性も 《新潟》ゆちょんがいちばんすきYahoo!知恵袋京都在住の方に質問です。京都に引越し予定の者です。
次の3つの住所の治安や住みやすさ、中心街へのアクセスのしやすさなど、何でもいいので教えて下さい。かわいいフリー素材集高峰秀子の画像一覧階段を上る女性 写真素材 フォトライブラリー Photolibrary浅生ハルミンの銀幕のkimonoスタア11 『女が階段を上る時』の高峰秀子『女が階段を上る時』の高峰秀子高峰秀子の画像一覧階段を見る女性女が階段を上るとき.jpgBest Japanese Movies: The Top 60 of All Time          Best Japanese Movies: The Top 60 of All Timeイベント情報森雅之の画像一覧青空に向かう土手の階段を上る女性
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