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仕方がない しかたがない
Word or expression in common usage
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
adjective (keiyoushi)
  • it can't be helped
  • it's inevitable
  • it's no use
  • can't stand it
  • being impatient
  • being annoyed


  • no choice I have very little choice.



  • Japanese 彼女はうれしくてうれしくて仕方がない
    English She was beside herself with joy.
  • Japanese 彼を待つより仕方がない
  • Japanese 彼を待つよりほか仕方がない
  • Japanese 彼はやめるほか仕方がない
    English He has no choice but to resign.
  • Japanese 彼の計画に同意するよりほかに仕方がない
    English There is no choice but to agree to his plan.
  • Japanese 彼にしたがうより他に仕方がない
    English I cannot do otherwise than obey him.
  • Japanese 彼が彼女を気の毒に思うのは仕方がない
    English There's nothing that can be done about his feeling sorry for her.
  • Japanese 上役に残業するように言われたら、そうするしか仕方がない
    English If the boss says you've got to work overtime, then there's no choice but to do so.
  • Japanese 自分でやったことだから仕方がないね。
    English You brought it on yourself.
  • Japanese 私たちはこのままやっていくより仕方がない
    English We have no choice but to carry on.
  • Japanese 仕方がないよ。
    English It can't be helped.
  • Japanese 仕方がない、困ったことだが、何とかうまく乗り切ろう。
    English It can't be helped. Let's make the best of the bad job.
  • Japanese 仕方がない、それはいかんともしがたい。
    English It can't be helped.
  • Japanese 行くより他に仕方がない
    English We have no choice but to go.
  • Japanese 古い方法にこだわっても仕方がない
    English It's no use trying to stick to the old ways.
  • Japanese 諺にもある通り、過ぎ去ったことはくよくよしても仕方がない
    English It is no use crying over spilt milk, as the proverb says.
  • Japanese 泣き寝入りするよりほか仕方がない
    English We just have to swallow it.
  • Japanese そんなに健康のことを心配しても仕方がない
    English There is no sense in your worrying about your health so much.
  • Japanese そこへ行っても仕方がない
    English It is no use going there.
  • Japanese ぜひにとあれば仕方がない
    English If you must, you must.



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