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他社 たしゃ
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • another company
  • other company


  • rest of the pack



  • Japanese 他社に後れをとるな。
    English Don't fall behind other companies!
  • Japanese 企業は、競合他社を業界内の狭い範囲で捉えて、本当のライバルを明確に理解してない場合が数多くあります。
    English Businesses perceive as competitors a narrow range of the business world; there are many cases where they don't understand their real rivals.
  • Japanese ウェブサイトのタグラインは、その企業が何を行っていて、競合他社とどこが違うのかがわかるようなものでなくてはならない。
    English The website's tagline has to let people know what that business does and how it differs from the competition.
  • Japanese 同業他社に比べて業績がずっと良かった。
    English Business results of the company were much better than other companies in the industry.
  • Japanese 私どもは完全に他社を引き離していますよ。
    English We have completely outstripped the other companies.
  • Japanese コンピューター市場におけるIBMのシェアは群を抜いていて、他社を全く寄せつけない。
    English IBM has the lion's share of the large computer market; nobody else even comes close.
  • Japanese この条件を受けていただけると、他社との競合が有利になります。
    English This would enable us to compete more effectively with other agencies.
  • Japanese ある航空会社が運賃値下げ計画を発表すると、他社もすぐに追従した。
    English As soon as one airline announced its plan for airfare reductions, the rest of the companies followed suit.



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