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noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • passage
  • paragraph
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • the above-mentioned
  • the said

  • the usual
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • matter
  • case
  • item


  • affair
  • particular
  • subject


    • onyomiケン
    • kunyomiくだん
    • meaningaffair; case; matter; item


  • Japanese 殺人事の背後に潜むミステリーを解き明かせ。
    English Solve the mystery lurking behind the murder!
  • Japanese パックマンが、ある条を満たすと追ってくるモンスターを逆襲して食べることができる。
    English Pac-Man, when a certain condition is reached, can counter attack and eat the monsters chasing him.
  • Japanese 犯人だと思っていた男は事とは何の関係もなかった。
    English The man I thought was the criminal didn't have any connection to the incident.
  • Japanese そのため、派遣労働者は劣悪な労働条の下で働いている。
    English For that reason, temporary workers are working under inferior conditions.
  • Japanese 暴力や脅しによって金品を奪い去る事も多発している。
    English Also many incidents of robbery by threats and violence are occurring.
  • Japanese 死亡事例が19と全体の20%を超えており、過労死の深刻な実態が浮き彫りになった。
    English With 19 cases of death forming over 20% of the whole, the grave reality of overwork-deaths has been thrown into relief.
  • Japanese 学生が英文論文誌に論文を投稿して、「条付採録」になっています。
    English The student submitted a paper to an English-language journal, and the result was "conditional acceptance".
  • Japanese パウエル米国国務長官の来日中、事は起こった。
    English The incident occurred while Secretary of State, Powell, was visiting Japan.
  • Japanese 最近、タチの悪い詐欺事が多いわね。
    English Recently there have been a lot of nasty incidents with fraud.
  • Japanese 「聞いたよ、光一」「まあ皆までいうなって。分かってる。神社の夏祭りの一でしょ?」
    English "I've heard about it, Koichi" "You don't need to say anything more, I know. It's the summer festival incident at the shrine, right?"
  • Japanese 内容が名で判断出来ますので、記入をお願い致します。
    English I use the subject line to determine the contents so please fill it in.
  • Japanese 適合率とは取り出した記事のうち、どの程度の記事が検索条に合っているかを示す指標です。
    English The precision ratio is an index that indicates how many articles meet the search criteria out of all of the articles retrieved.
  • Japanese 大学の教授ともあろうものが、なぜ殺人事を起こしたのだろうか。
    English Why would a university lecturer of all people end up responsible for a murder?
  • Japanese 彼女の条が結婚相手を選ぶ際の優先事項だ。
    English Her conditions for choosing a marriage partner took priority.
  • Japanese 政治学とは何か。「セイジ」から、人々は、まず、ジャーナリズムを賑わす政治的事を連想するでしょう。
    English What is political science? From the "political," people will probably first associate it with the political incidents that enliven journalism.
  • Japaneseの原因を取り調べるために実情調査委員会が作られた。
    English A fact-finding committee was set up to determine the cause of the incident.
  • Japanese の七不思議の話。調べてきてくれたのでしょう?
    English This is about the case of the "seven mysteries". Did you investigate it?
  • Japanese 警察が医療事故の立に消極的だ。
    English The police are reluctant to pursue criminal charges in medical cases.
  • Japanese 俺このに関してノータッチなんで。
    English I'm not getting involved in this.
  • Japanese ロシア:人質事の犠牲となった方々に哀悼の意を表す。
    English Russia expresses regret for those lost in the hostage incident.



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