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傷者 しょうしゃ
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • wounded person
  • casualty
  • injured person



  • Japanese 列車が脱線して、乗客のうち約30人の死傷者が出た。
    English The train was derailed and about thirty passengers were either killed or injured.
  • Japanese傷者現場から運ばれて行った。
    English The injured were removed from the scene.
  • Japanese傷者を病院に運びなさい。
    English Carry the injured to the hospital.
  • Japanese傷者は痛みでもだえ苦しんだ。
    English The wounded man writhed.
  • Japanese傷者は多かったが、行方不明の人はほとんどいなかった。
    English The injured were many, but the missing were few.
  • Japanese傷者は救急車で運ばれた。
    English The wounded arrived by ambulance.
  • Japanese傷者たちは快方に向かっている。
    English The wounded are getting better.
  • Japanese 地震はリヒター・スケールで3.0を記録しましたが、大きな被害、負傷者が出た報告はありません。
    English No major damage or injuries are known to have resulted from the quake measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale.
  • Japanese傷者は合計1、000名となったということだ。
    English Casualties are said to total up to 1,000.
  • Japanese その発表は死傷者の数を誇張していた。
    English The announcement exaggerated the number of casualties.
  • Japanese その鉄道事故で死者三名、重軽傷者10名が出た。
    English Three persons were killed and ten were severely or slightly injured in the railway accident.
  • Japanese その事故の犠牲者数は死者5名、負傷者100名であった。
    English The toll from the accident was 5 persons dead and 100 persons injured.
  • Japanese その事故で死傷者が15名出た。
    English Fifteen people were killed or injured in the accident.
  • Japanese その事故では10名の死傷者が出た。
    English Ten people were killed or injured in the accident.
  • Japanese 両陣営ともに数千人単位の負傷者が出た。
    English Many thousands on both sides had been wounded.

