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同様 どうよう
Word or expression in common usage
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • identical
  • equal to
  • same (kind)
  • like
  • similarity



  • Japanese あなた同様私もヤフオクの評価が信じられません。
    English I also, same as you, don't trust Yahoo Auction ratings.
  • Japanese 小説だって絵と同様に練習が必要なんだから。
    English Because novels, just like paintings, need you to practice.
  • Japanese 同様に振る舞う他のイベントでも結構です。
    English Another event that has the same behaviour would also be fine.
  • Japanese 暖房と同様に、冷房時の消費電力量を測定し、旧型と省エネ型(2001年製)のエアコンを比較しました。
    English We measured the electricity used during air cooling in the same way as heating, and compared the old model air conditioner to the energy conservation (2001) model.
  • Japanese ユーモラスな話から気持ちの悪い話まで、前巻同様にいろいろなタイプの話が楽しめます。
    English From humorous to creepy stories, like the last volume, you can enjoy various types of stories.
  • Japanese 両親同様に少女も大変思いやりがあった。
    English The girl as well as her parents was very sympahtetic.
  • Japanese 僕も君と同様楽しくない。
    English I am no more happy than you are.
  • Japanese 僕は赤ん坊同様、バイオリンを弾けない。
    English I can no more play the violin than a baby can.
  • Japanese 弊社のエンジニアが日本国内で販売されている同様の製品と仕様を比較した結果、非常に競合力があると判断いたしました。
    English Our engineers compared this information with similar products being sold in Japan and concluded that they might compete very well.
  • Japanese 美香は恵子と同様魅力的だ。
    English Mika is no less charming than Keiko.
  • Japanese 彼女も姉と同様に美人だ。
    English She is no less beautiful than her sister.
  • Japanese 彼女は母親同様、注意深くない。
    English She is no more careful than her mother is.
  • Japanese 彼女は母親と同様、注意深くはない。
    English She is no more careful than her mother is.
  • Japanese 彼女は姉同様きれいだ。
    English She is no less beautiful than her sister.
  • Japanese 彼女は姉と同様に魅力的です。
    English She is no less charming than her older sister.
  • Japanese 彼女は姉と同様にきれいだ。
    English She is no less beautiful than her older sister.
  • Japanese 彼女はテニスと同様にバスケットボールも好きだ。
    English She likes tennis as well as basketball.
  • Japanese 彼女の友達と同様、彼女も音楽が好きです。
    English She as well as her friends is fond of music.
  • Japanese 彼女の息子たちも、娘と同様に、大学に行っている。
    English Her sons as well as her daughter are in college.
  • Japanese 彼は有罪であり君も同様に有罪である。
    English He is guilty and by the same token so are you.



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