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Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • room

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • wife (of someone of high rank)

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • scabbard

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • Chinese "Encampment" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • greenhouse
  • icehouse
  • cellar


  • locule
  • loculus


    • onyomiシツ
    • kunyomiむろ
    • meaningroom; apartment; chamber; greenhouse; cellar


  • Japanese 診察を出る間際、先生が「バイバイ」と手を振ってくださいました。
    English Just as we were leaving the exam room the doctor waved his hand saying, 'bye-bye'.
  • Japanese え?トナーが切れてるんですか?仕方ないですね。加藤さん、すみませんが職員に取りに行って下さい。
    English Eh? Have we run out of toner? Oh well, sorry, but can you go the staff-room and get some, Katou?
  • Japanese 土曜日、去年から通い始めた陶芸教
    English Saturday is the pottery class I've been attending since last year.
  • Japanese まず、実験で行われる実験について話しましょう。
    English First, let us talk about the experiments conducted in laboratories.
  • Japanese 見つけたのは僕です。意識を喪っていたので、保健に運びました。
    English It was I who found her. She'd lost consciousness so I carried her to the infirmary.
  • Japanese 部活の事で至急お話ししたい事がありますので、職員に来てください。
    English There is a matter that we would like to discuss urgently regarding club activities, so please come to the staff room.
  • Japaneseに入って席に着くのとほぼ同時に、始業を知らせるチャイムの音が鳴り響く。
    English About the same time as he entered the classroom and arrived at his seat, the chime to announce class rings across the school.
  • Japanese 手前のガラス張りの建物は薔薇園なんです。温になっていて、いつも薔薇を観賞できるようになってるんですよ。
    English The glass fronted building before you is the rose garden. It's a greenhouse so you will always be able to appreciate the roses.
  • Japaneseでどうどうとタバコをすう高校生たちとそれを注意できない教師たちは罰を受けることになります。
    English High school students who flagrantly smoke in class and the teachers who can't caution them will be punished.
  • Japanese シンと静まった部。響くのは、クロッキー帳に擦れる鉛筆の音だけ。
    English The club room returned to quiet. All that could be heard was the sound of pencil on sketchpad.
  • Japanese ううん、由美ちゃんが魔法瓶に入れて、部に持って来てくれたの。
    English No, Yumi put it in a thermos flask and brought it into the club room.
  • Japaneseが好きな英国人もいると言われます。
  • Japanese付きの二人部屋をお願いしています。
  • Japanese付きの一人部屋ですね。
    English Single with bath, right?
  • Japaneseを散らかしっぱなしにしないで。
    English Don't leave the bathroom in such a mess.
  • Japaneseはきれいですか。
    English Is the bath clean?
  • Japaneseの電気がつきません。
    English The lights in the bathroom aren't working.
  • Japaneseの秤で体重を計った。
    English I weighed myself on the bathroom scales.
  • Japanese 夕食の時間になり、客乗務員達が夕食を出し始めます。
    English It is now dinner time, and flight attendants begin to serve dinner.
  • Japanese 夕食の後、私たちはみんな応接に行った。
    English After dinner, we all went into the drawing room.



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